rightAppraisal Reviews

The Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice (USPAP) promulgated by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation and adopted by the Arizona State Board of Appraisal, indicates that clients of appraisersal completed on properties located in Arizona have the right to expecct credible appraisal reports completed by competent Arizona State Board of Appraisal certified/licensed appraisers.  USPAP defines credible as "worthy of belief." The Competency Rule, summarized in USPAP, indicates that competency applies "...to factors such as, but not limited to, an appraiser’s familiarity with a specific type of property or asset, a market, a geographic area, an intended use, specific laws and regulations, or an analytical method.

Appraisal Standards Board
The Appraisal Foundation
1155 15th Street, NW, Suite 1111
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-347-7722
Fax: 202-347-7727
E-Mail: info@appraisalfoundation.org

The Federal Reserve has recently reiterated that "financial institutions must have an effective, independent real estate appraisal and evaluation program," and that appraisers performing reviews should "have the knowledge and expertise to assess compliance with the Federal Reserves appraisal regulations and guidelines." Here at apprAZe.com, we provide appraisal review services that are independent, qualified, professional and square with the Federal Reserve's guidelines.

Appraisal reviews "should determine whether the appraisal or evaluation is appropriate for the transaction, the risk of the transaction, and whether the process by which the collateral valuation is obtained ensures independence and quality," the Fed says. They "should also indicate whether the appraisal or evaluation report is consistent with the engagement letter, which sets forth the scope of the appraisal assignment. The Fed also notes that "some banks supplement routine reviews with post-funding evaluations of appraisal quality for some of their higher-risk or greater-value transactions as a control to assist in detecting valuation problems."

In addition to conforming our work to the forms and guidelines of our review clients, there are four Fannie Mae forms that are generally used for review services, and we can prepare an appraisal review on any of them. They include an appraisal "desk" review, a "field" review, a "short" form and a "narrative" form. Here at apprAZe.com, we are experienced in all types of appraisal reviews, review procedures and the responsibilities of review appraisers. 


left We understand what makes a quality appraisal and what the most common deficiencies are, especially in our home market. At the same time, we are professional enough to recognize that our competitors in our market are capable of doing a good job! The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) govern appraisal reviews as well as appraisal reports, and you can count on us to ethically evaluate appraisal reports performed by others. Those others may be reviewing our work, too! 


In short, here at apprAZe.com, you can rely on our independent judgment, because we offer professional, objective, ethical appraisal review services for our clients.  Browse our website to learn more about our qualifications, expertise and services offered.  Feel free to call 602-721-1998 for immediate response.